Lifestyle tips

What it takes to love fat girl

what it takes to love a fat girl

I found this somewhere in the WWW
of cause it doesn't fit for all the fat girls out there... but I think its funny and maybe usefull for some guys...
so here it is:

A. A super duper 'I don't give a ***' attitude

when you start dating a fat girl, your friends might come to you and say something to the effect of, 'dude, really?', especially if she is the first fat girl you have ever dated. They may seem incredibly incredulous that you would choose to *** someone who shops at Lane Bryant and wears a size 26. There might be some lame jokes told behind her back or even in front of her face. You have to be able to look at them and say, 'I don't give a ***. That's my girlfriend/wife/lover. Shut the *** up.' Trust me when I say that she will love you all the more for standing by her.

B. Strength

I don't mean emotional strength, although it will take internal fortitude to stand up to what society thinks you should date. I mean you should have some muscles. Even though I weigh over 300 pounds, I still want to be with a guy who can pick me up and sit me on the counter if the moment strikes. I need to you be able to help me carry up the laundry because I'm sick of doing it myself. I need to feel like a dainty girl sometimes even though I might weigh more than you. Be able to support my legs on your shoulders.

C. A sense of humor

Sex with a fat girl makes funny noises sometimes. There's some slapping and flapping that can be embarrasing sometimes. Make me laugh about it. If someone makes a rude remark when we're out at a buffet, be able to let it roll off your back and help me push it off mine.

D. A knowledge of a real woman's body

I sometimes think of a fat girl's body as a kind of caricature of the womanly form. Everything is sort of exaggerated. The breasts are usually full and large...the curve of the hip expansive...the ass rounder and plumper...the thigh heavier. We don't have the pre-pubescent boy body. You need to appreciate how we are a bigger version of beauty, an exaggeration of what makes a woman.

E. An appetite

We are ready to eat. You need to be ready too. At any time of day. If you don't eat when we do, it can make us feel insecure. Even if you eat six chips while I'm downing a big salad, that's okay too.

F. An appreciation of friendship

One of the things some guys don't understand is that fat girls have a much higher chance of being very, very lonely. We have probably been hurt in ways that skinny girls haven't, and we definitely have insecurites that skinny girls probably don't. We have dear friends who have brought us this far. This will probably include other fat girls and gay guys. We need you to be okay with your friends. We will still need them even after we are secure with you. We are going to need you to be a friend to us, too, not just a lover.

found on
linked 18.April 2011

have a nice day smiley
13 years

What it takes to love fat girl

they're girls of a larger size, not aliens...
13 years

What it takes to love fat girl

I know!

but the strange thing is that this was written by a big girl...

i hope i did not bother anyone with this
i just think its funny and i like to talk about big girls as some kind of special girls
13 years

What it takes to love fat girl

13 years